Nidda Therme

Spa & Wellness

Time to relax…

The town Bad Salzhausen, known for its health and spa characteristics, has a long history. Thanks to the healing powers coming from the depths of the volcano Vogelsberg the town has become quite popular. The chemist „Justus von Liebig“ certified the healing power of the salty water already during the first period of the 19th century. That said, Bad Salzhausen is one of the oldest saline sites of Germany. Visitors can taste this precious water of the saline springs in the park across the street. There, visitors will also find the graduation house – here you may take deep breaths in between the healing salt-mist.

Nidda well


Bad Salzhausen

Everyone who enters the 52 hectare garden will say goodbye to stress. This effect though is not only caused by its peacefulness and its botanical diversity. The treasure, the healthy saline waters, gushes out into the daylight not from one but from six different healing springs. Three saline springs, one lithium-, one sulphur- and one steel spring are only a few meters apart from each other. All of them have verified therapeutic effects that are used for prevention, therapy and rehabilitation. For your daily deep breath you may go to the graduation house where the salty water is led over black-wood branches and produces a fine mist. More…



Witness of the salt work time

The historic graduation house is one of the last witnesses of the salt work time and the last remaining one of once six graduation houses in Bad Salzhausen. It was used to clean and collect the salina before simmering it in big pans. In 1860, after Justus Liebig studied the salina and discovered its healing powers, the salt mining was shut down. By that, the main purpose of the graduation house was no longer existent. Today it is used for health and spa purposes and offers a fresh breath of wind for tired airways. By guiding the water flow over black-wood branches the air is enriched with the salts of the water. This ocean-like climate can have positive effects on your breathing and airways. Various benches invite you to stay at the graduation house to inhale the healthy air. A stretched out stay in this house can help you with a cold, bronchitis, asthma or allergies and may even release some swelling on your mucous membranes.

Asklepios Neurologische Klinik Frontal View


Prestigious clinics around Nidda

In Bad Salzhausen you will find some of the most prestigious clinics. The Asklepios Neurological Clinic and the Rabenstein Clinic for orthopaedics, internal medicine and psychosomatics are all located not far from the Kurhaushotel. Relatives of the patients can stay with us on reduced rates. Please simply contact us.


From massage to lymph drainage

The therapy centre of Bad Salzhausen does not only offer you physiotherapy but also applications like water exercises, kinesio taping, hot rolls and fango. A lot of visitors also recommend lymphatic drainage. The primary function of this treatment is the oedema therapy against venous and lymph congestions in swollen body parts often happening in arms, legs, face and torso. Besides, here you have the opportunity to book classic massage applications as well such as back, feet, body or aroma oil massages. More…

Taichi Tage Kurhaus Angebot

Tai Chi

The spirit leads, the body and chi follow.

Tai Chi is a traditional Chinese martial art that has evolved into a gentle and meditative form of movement. With flowing, slow movements, the body and mind are harmonized. Tai Chi promotes relaxation, improves posture, balance, and flexibility. It can be practiced by people of all ages and fitness levels and provides a wonderful way to reduce stress and find inner peace. Regular practice of Tai Chi contributes to increasing well-being and promoting health.

Nidda well


Bad Salzhausen

Everyone who enters the 52 hectare garden will say goodbye to stress. This effect though is not only caused by its peacefulness and its botanical diversity. The treasure, the healthy saline waters, gushes out into the daylight not from one but from six different healing springs. Three saline springs, one lithium-, one sulphur- and one steel spring are only a few meters apart from each other. All of them have verified therapeutic effects that are used for prevention, therapy and rehabilitation. For your daily deep breath you may go to the graduation house where the salty water is led over black-wood branches and produces a fine mist. More…

Nidda well


Saunas, saline pools & salt grotto

The groundwaters of the high Vogelsberg surface in Bad Salzhausen and while making their way through the depths they bring a lot of saline water enriched by minerals with them. The saline pools of the thermal bath are exclusively filled with the water from two of the six nature springs. Both of them are salt acidulous springs. The healing water is popular for showing positive effects on various diseases. Just opposite the road of our hotel you will find the „Justus-von-Liebig“ thermal bath facility offering a salt water motion bath, a vast physiotherapeutic program, an adventure shower, different saunas and a salt grotto also ascribed with healing powers. Salt and its fine mist that is being sprayed in the grotto are known to have a positive impact on allergies and skin irritations. More…

Bad Salzhäuser Healing Water

Natural healing with the treasure from the depth

„Rising up through different rock layers the Bad Salzhausen healing springs come to the surface. The different paths of the water result in different mineral compositions. The healing powers of the water is known since the 19th century. A lot of health problems are being treated with bathing-, drinking and inhalation therapies. Even earlier the chemist „Justus von Liebig“ was convinced by the healing powers of these waters. Steel-, sulphur-, lithium- and the Nibelung springs gush out naturally while the Södeground and Roland-Krug springs are being pumped. Accordingly, the composition of the mineral waters are very divers. Despite the close distance of all Bad Salzhausen springs the composition of these healing waters are highly heterogeneous. This can be explained by the different characteristics of rock formations through which the waters are passing.”